The National Taxpayers Conference (NTC) is an association whose members are the full-time chief executive officers of statewide associations devoted to the pursuit of objective and unbiased analysis of public finance and tax issues in their states.
Since 1916, NTC members have provided credible, non-partisan analysis of pressing fiscal issues in their states and have advocated for the adoption of sound fiscal policies.
Each of the member organizations has a powerful impact on the formation of public policy in their state and command enormous respect from legislators, the press, and the public at large.
By combining high quality research on current fiscal issues with active involvement with the local press, civic groups, and policy makers, these organizations are able to bring important issues to the attention of the public and encourage lawmakers to make important changes.
The National Taxpayers Conference combines the resources and credibility of its member organizations into a powerful tool for those who need to stay abreast of state and local tax and spending developments and advance the cause of good public policy. If you have an issue or question about state or local taxes or spending, you'll find these organizations to be the most knowledgeable and respected tax policy organization in their states.
You can enjoy the benefits of access by joining the NTC organizations in the states where you live, do business, or have investments. Please visit the websites of the individual organizations and contact them by phone, fax or e-mail about membership. It’s a wise investment.